About Us

We're an official distributor and reseller of software products.
Our range of products includes:

Our Certificates

All software products are available for delivery in different ways:

Physical Package

You can order product boxes in any quantity and receive it at your desired location.

Scratch Cards

Scratch cards are preferrable for some of our customers who don’t need the full product box.

Instant Online Delivery

The most common method of license delivery to receive the order by email.

Our Office in Europe

Our office in Lisbon, Portugal makes it available for us to provide software solutions to our European customers and support them with all their inquiries and issues.

Phone: +351 925 218 037

Email: support@softkeycenter.com

Estrada Estrada de Alfragide, Lote 107, Edifício A2 2610-008 Amadora, Lisbon, Portugal

We are here to support you every step of the way. Ready to talk about your needs?